Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LAF is Back!

Hurray!  The LAF is back.  I've been following this website for a few years now and have found many great resources.  This is produced by many lovely ladies who are concerned about what the Feminist movement has done to our society and children.  I strongly urge everyone to visit this website and read the articles available.  I hope everyone enjoys their hard work as much as I have.

Monday, March 29, 2010

My soul rejoices

How wonderful the world is!  Last night I had a wonderful discussion with my dear husband that I was nervous about bringing up.  One thing we never really discussed before we got married was what we believed was good for our children.  I'm not talking about toys, but the role of a young woman or a young man.  How far should we have our children educated?  Should they all have jobs and get a career before having a family? 

I was justifiable nervous because my father raised me to be self-sufficient.  To be self-sufficient is to not be reliant on someone else.  I am finding this to be a challenge in my marriage.  I have this horrible tendency to just do things myself rather than let my husband do them, simply because he doesn't do things "my way" or he's not efficient.  Yet, men need to do things themselves.  They need to strive and work towards a goal.  If I do everything, I'm cutting his ambition off at the knees. 

I've been listening to a wonderful CD set put out by the Vision Forum Ministries called "A Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husband's Vision".  It hearkens back to a time before the Feminist movement took over and we still lived in a Patriarch society.  (I find nothing wrong with my husband being the head of our family and me being subject to his decisions.  I did very careful discernment during our courtship and engagement to find out if he would be a "good" husband.  And he is.  He would never intentionally hurt me physically, emotionally, or spiritually.  The only thing I need to fear is the ways of the Devil trying to work his way into our lives.  Thankfully, my husband is also very spiritual and loves going to Mass and confession.  His discernment is something to desire).  So far, I've listened to this CD set 4 times.  It is so enriching and everything I believe in.  It makes me want to passionately jump right into life as a homemaker. 

Now, here was the difficulty I was trying to reconcile.  I currently work outside the home.  I had a job before we got married and because I brought a car loan with me I knew we needed to pay it off before I could stay home (I would never dream of having my husband pick up my debt when I have the ability to pay it off myself).   Also, we want a 6 month cushion of savings in case my husband has to take minimum wage pay for a while due to the state budget not being past.  Which all means that I am stuck at work until about August.  I don't begrudge my husband for my need to work.  I understand the financial responsibilities that are in play right now.  We don't have a child yet, though I am pregnant, and my job is not horribly stressful, just boring and I feel like I could be doing something much more productive. 

I wasn't sure what my husbands' feelings were on how we should raise daughters if we had one or many.  In a world where everyone is supposed to have a career, this does not sit well with me.  I plan on being a homemaker for the next 50 years at least.  My college education has done little to prepare me for that.  I was able to take sewing classes, which I am so thankful for, but other than that I've got nothing.  I even tried to find cooking classes at my local college but all they had was one nutrition class which didn't teach you anything about kitchen science. 

I want to raise my daughters to be either homemakers or religious.  Both are very compatible in what you need to learn (but that really leaves out higher education and careers).  So, I hedged my way around my question until I finally got out what I wanted to know.  Did my husband think that women should work outside the home?  His answer was "No". 

Thank the Lord Almighty!  Now I can dream dreams I hadn't dared to dream!  I can homeschool my little girls and boys.  I can make my little girls dresses for church and play.  I can make my whole family costumes for reenactments of bible scenes and the lives of the saints.  I can teach my children how to cook and bake.  I can teach my children how to clean a home and make it comfortable to live in.  I can teach my children how to go to a grocery store and buy food on a budget and do meal planning.  I can teach my children how to garden and my little girls how to grow a flower garden.  I can teach my little girls how to make clothing and my little boys how to patch a hole in their jeans.  I can teach them all how to be thrifty and frugal.  My husband will teach the boys house repair skills and construction skills.  He'll teach them all about a love for Christ and how important it is to have faith and a belief in the Catholic Church (no matter how many sinners there are in it).  My husband will also teach the boys the necessity of providing for their own families.  About a need to not go into debt or file bankruptcy. 

My family will thrive and be faithful.  We will learn day by day and grow in Christ together.  Thanks be to God!