Friday, July 9, 2010

20 Week Appointment Today

Today is our 20 week appointment with the OBGYN and we also get to have the big anatomy ultrasound today as well.  I'm pretty excited and the best part is that my husband and my mother will get to meet my OBGYN. 

This will be my 2nd OBGYN during this pregnancy and when I met her last time I was very impressed.  She didn't make me feel ignorant and answered all of my questions.  I really love being treated like an adult.  The first OBGYN was so impersonal and cold that neither I nor my husband got a good vibe from her.  When we got home my husband called his sister, who works in a NICU down in Modesto, to find a new OBGYN that she would recommend.  After a few phone calls we got rearranged with doctors and I'm feeling much more comfortable.  I think what I really like about our OBGYN is that she just had a baby herself only a few months ago. 

So, at 10:15 we'll see my OBGYN for a regular checkup.  Then my husband and I will drop my mom off at my grandmother's where my dad and my niece and nephew will be playing Parcheesi with her.  The hard part will come when I need to drink 16 oz of water 1 1/2 hours before the ultrasound and not go to the bathroom in the meantime.  How unfair is that?  It makes me a little nervous that they want me to hold my bladder that long.  At 12:45pm I get to show up to fill out paperwork and then we get to see the anatomy of our baby in an ultrasound.  I'm pretty excited because I think we finally determined that we will ask for what the sex of our baby will be.  I know that they have the possibility of being incorrect but that is a risk we are willing to take.  We can always take back items if they are wrong, and what we cannot take back we can save for our future babies. 

Pregnancy has gone very well for me.  I didn't have any morning sickness in my first trimester and the only thing I had a problem with was that I got really tired to the point where I was a danger to drive.  I haven't had any problems food wise.  Generally, I eat bland food anyways so I didn't have much of a reaction to food.  The only problem I had was canned soup.  One sip and I knew I couldn't eat it.   I got the same feeling as when you try something too salty.  We tried low sodium but it didn't matter.  I think it was the preservatives in the soup.

So, here comes the doctor's appointment and I am getting very excited.  :)

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